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I get it. What's really creepy is the Progressive commercial with the half man half motorcycle to emulate a Centaur. For more information, please see our I'll never use them because of they're goddamn commercials are so annoying. One day it's dating, the next is TV commercial info. Only problem is.what is the name of the damned insurance company? being a Motaur?. Lucille Ball had much more charm. My husband and I were bikers for many years. I guess thats one way to not sell motorcycle insurance. Change it already. Trash music 101. Hate this ad. They were mostly famous because they were extremely violent towards women and other people. I dont know who? What Will the New Most Interesting Man in the World Do 11 Brand Mascots Advertising Pros Would Road Trip With, Making A Motaur: Behind The Scenes With Progressive Insurances Mythical Character. Creepy again, right? And then she pulls off her mask and reveals herself as Smokey the Bear, who says if you know it was me, would you have listened? Fair point, but you didnt have to make Joanna Cassidy have that piercing and menacing look. I love this add, it reminds me of my dads truck and or cars he always have hood ornaments and as a child I would fantasize that they actually did sing as we drove down the road. Very cool! This is by far, one of the most chilling and effective work of advocacy ad in the internet. Others are missing bits of plaster from their faces. "I booked Flo when I was just about to turn 38. I also find the hood ornament creepy. Answer (1 of 4): Yes, but Progressive sort of pushes the envelope in the US with its ads. The white actor slinks off instead of confronting him. I would make bike lovers the heroes of these ads each spot a 30-second celebration of their community as they live and love and laugh on the road. And maybe a review to follow? That a cute young Black man is attracted to a cute young White woman (except for her specs, of course)? Tis the political season, eh? The image is compelling as wellkeep looking to try and see the bike/man transition point. Its all about our creations being funny, awesome and cool!!11! The ad however went too far from showing a very happy baby laugh-a-lot doll turned into very disturbing clips of children turning their heads in the camera with blank expressions along with the dolls creepy laugh in the background. Have you seen the Progressive commercial of the shop owner who needs crutches and all the computer commercial is very charming. After watching the ad, we feel convinced that this doll, that gave children nightmares, was the real inspiration behind both Chucky and the clown in Poltergeist. What I want to know is what kind of mc is the lower part of Motaur? . I am a California connection to the site. The voice-over: For those who were born to ride, theres Progressive.. See more petitions: Health Sign Petition First Name Last Name Email Country Afghanistan Aland Islands Albania Absolutely adore the guy driving the car, what a cutie. !!!!! Very addictive to watch., we will be talking about creepy/disturbing commercials that actually aired on live TV. Does anyone know the tune on the music box ? That good ornament totally creeps me out! I dont get how lets make lots of money has anything to do with car insurance. While both the ads drove home the point, looking at massive cockroaches and rats isnt something we enjoy doing the ads most certainly gave us the creeps. I looked this up because I do not understand it at all. Here's a quick little countdown I made of what I think are the TOP 10 SCARIEST or CREEPIEST television adverts/commercials of all time - with the exception of the 'Number 1' spot, which was actually voted by the public as the scariest ad of all time!Watch the \"sequel\" here:, many thanks to all of my patrons, both past and present:Angel PoynterBeauxThe Biophoneevik BasmaciDennis GuttmannEmiLightningGBP BroadcastingGeorge SmithGlitchygoats Jenna MartinkoMary \u0026 CarrieNight Sky PacMasterStudiosRobot_DestroyerSamoussIf you'd like to be as awesome as these folks by supporting me on Ko-fi, the link can be found here: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: song: song: Makes me sick! Years later, when the FOX TV sites came around with the MyFox sites, I was known as Mystere. Something else Ive wondered: Why is Motaur black when the overwhelming majority of motorcyclists are white? He is one of the more famous infomercial pitchmen. Smells to me like a money grab.and altho Im by no means a fan of Progressive Insurance (the name tells you all you need to know about this companys politics founded by Peter Lewis, well-known multi-million $ Democratic supporter, bundler and fund-raiser), this suit has NOTHING to do with righting a wrong, and EVERYTHING to do with pub and $ flow (and Progressive may be happy to play along Peter can send more money to his pet causes). All these clips end, by showing the McDonalds logo while a distorted McDonalds jingle sung by a satanic voice over plays in the background. Wenn Sie Ihre Auswahl anpassen mchten, klicken Sie auf Datenschutzeinstellungen verwalten. Orkin, has released several of these commercials where giant bugs talks and acts as if they are ordinary human beings. Great example of just because you can do something doesnt mean you should.. KingSol24 2 yr. ago. This comment is from a former biker. What do you think of the ad? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Orkin television ad that came out in the 50s featured Otto the Orkin Man, an animated spray can with human features. We have 24/7 support to help you. If I had to guess, Anonymous, Id say the ratio of actual riders who said they dislike these ads is about 3:1., I totally agree with all you say. Be sure to check out more popular ads by clicking on my TV Commercials page. The advertisement created by Remco featured a doll that did not just laugh but laughed like a drain, at once reminding one of all the evil forces in the world. A Progressive Insurance commercial has a little kid calls for his parents in the night because he's scared but they assure him that there's no monsters hiding under his bed or in the closest, . V-V. Fair question, SweetDoug. Kleenex released this commercial in the 80s and it quickly became the weirdest ad on television. The commercial starts with a scene where we see a woman in white robes and a small child dressed like a demonic creature sitting on straw. One commenter questioned if it was some weird deep-fake, but Hamm has multiple commercials that do not feature digital (whatever) to this level. If he is singing he has a very good voice. The kernel of the Motaur idea that motorcycle lovers are inseparable from their bikes is a good one. Never would have connected these elements but that is pretty fascinating and makes sense. Are there huge enclaves of black bikers out there that I dont know about? Anybody else wonder if thered be a lot of blowback if the motaur was white, speaking to a black guy like he does? Who doesnt want to sing and feel good instead of being negative! Oh, but Richard, youre wrong! Who is the driver? Id like to see another insurance company take on these clowns: show Limu Emu on a rotisserie getting BBQd by the Geico Gecko, Flo spraying the BBQ when the flames shoot out, accidentally spraying Geico Gekko in the process. (LogOut/ Little Babys Ice Cream is another creepy commercial that features Malcolm, a self-cannibalistic man, made from ice cream. Dawber has married to NCIS star Mark Harmon for more than three [] More, Jan Smithers is a former television actress that is best known for her portrayal of the character Bailey Quarters on the television series WKRP in Cincinnati. . So well said, Jen V! Scott, I had a similar feeling the first time I saw the Herd commercial in which Motaur shushes the white beta male. Stop back again soon! You where the only one on my long search on internet who satisfied my curiosity about this great ad. Most find the Motaur off-putting and the concept just doesnt connect with the audience. However, if you want a costume for Halloween, you can buy this mask on Amazon. Thats precisely the problem with the ad industry today. Jim, I find the Motaur commercials equally offensive for the exact same reason as well. Absurd Motorcycle-Human Hybrid Isn't Even Funny - But the creative team at Arnold Worldwide, the Boston-based advertising agency that devised that clever 2017 TV commercial for the Progressive insurance company, knew right away that they had. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window),,, something a freelance copywriter said to me long ago, Absurd Motorcycle-Human Hybrid Isnt Even Funny, Let's talk about forced diversity in TV commercials, Jeremy's Razors commercial takes on 'woke' Harry's and Gillette, Yes, the Gillette Venus Pubic Hair and Skin razor ad goes (down) there, Ad Review: Chewy's 'Chatty Pets: Joy' truly is, Ad Review: Schick Hydro Silk TrimStyle trimming bushes, The real reasons people hate TV commercials in 2023. The duet from Allstate (car ornament) is the If not, how about her character,Flo from Progressive? Hassan Anytime there is a person of color in a commercial there was a conscious effort to do so. Then they started airing it in January, and shortly after that it became a steady job. Entertaining and informative. What a great idea! It makes my skin crawl. generated animation there? In several unfortunate cases, some of these commercials may have been too odd or too abstract for an Average Joe to understand. Facts Verse Presents 12 Scariest TV Commercials (WARNING: Creepy!). I got married at 35. I love the ad and it always makes me smile. Keep going strong!!! Love this commercial! They agree with me that the look of him appear to be an amputee. Orkin has made several hilarious ads over the years. Learn how your comment data is processed. But your bosses dont want that from me at all. Still, this 1960s cereal commercial is definitely a cringe worthy clip to watch. There is a general deterioration in commercials, especially when they focus on people. On what grounds? Can they drink gas or put food and water in the gas tank? This add makes me want to sing. Grew up in the 50s. There have been many reports too, that the video is cursed and whoever watches it during midnight will meet the same fate as the crew. This ad was released in the 1980s when Kleenex aired this Japanese commercial for their tissues which was found by most of its viewers very disturbing. Motaur gets angry at Flo, flames shoot out of the motorcycle and Flo pops, turning out to be the Bud Bundy Rubber Woman on Married With Children. Progressive Agents of the Corn - FOXSYLVANIA The folks over at a site for motorcycle enthusiasts, by motorcycle enthusiasts werent as impressed. Courtney and Kolanach tied the knot soon after getting together on November 25th, 2008. Now for that hood ornament do a quick search for flying woman or nymph hood ornament and you will have plenty to choose from. New Progressive commercials Watch some of our recent commercials and see even more on the Progressive YouTube channel. That hood ornament totally creeps me out!