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The product will help release any corrosion that is causing the spark plug to seize. Also does Marvel mystery oil work? It's confusing. Think about the whole scenerio . Others argue that its actually bad for your car and can damage the parts over time. After a while, your vehicles engine may begin to malfunction. Marvel reduces and prevents varnish and . In a hard sealed full container (no vent), it should last a while. That didn't bother me, sitting in back as I did, Unleaded fuel was a very hot topic in the mid 70's along with the unleaded only 1975 cars with catalytic converters. Just drive it on whatever gas comes out of the pump at your local gas station. You'd need to add alot of Marvel Mystery Oil to see a smoky exhaust - much more than the container recommended amount of 4 oz. Spark plugs in cars can become stuck and difficult to remove over time. Won't hurt but you don't need it. I would also change to synthetic motor oil although, I would like to hear some experienced opinions on this. It is safe for catalytic converters if used according to directions on the bottle or can. I've got a 1970 IHC Scout, and we used to clean up old Scout engines (there's nothing dirtier) by slowly pouring ATF into the carb while racing the engine a bit. It is absolutely safe to use Marvel Mystery oil in your engine. Since 80-octane fuel has disappeared from Michigan, there has Luckily, I still had the old one I had replaced during the tune up that 8 years before. The octane is in how the fuel is refined and what "CUT" it is is. TEL had been identified chemically in the mid-19th century, but its antiknock effectiveness was discovered in 1921 by the General Motors research laboratory, which had spent several years attempting to find an additive that was both highly effective and inexpensive. Nothing else intervened and nobody else touched my engine. Three grand for the car and three grand for the engine. Most boat owners run 4oz of MMO to ten gallons of fuel. 2-3 ounces per 10 gallons is enough. Petroleum Distillates (Stoddard Solvent) also known as white spirit, 10-30%[2] I would just run the avgas. 3. Once we started using top oil, fuel pumps lasted all season.Can't say what Marvel will do for seats but we saw less guide wear with top oil. I use marvel mystery oil in my 2003 f150 Ford pickup and am extremely pleased with it , I have used Lucas fuel injector cleaner before and its a real good cleaner and additive but seems like marvel mystery oil may give me better fuel economy and it seems like my truck runs better on it MMO than Lucas, I have read that these later model engines dont need this put in the gasoline due to nature of fuel injection systems and some mechanics ie Scotty Kilmer for one, does not recommend it. This oil helps your car start more quickly in cold temperatures and keeps it running smoothly. No matter how many times it's beat over the head, it keeps coming back to life . from 100LL. (And no, Websites 1997-2019 Daniel Ford; all rights 72 octane is the highest grade of gasoline that can be gasoline ignites, it is vaporized and soaks into the carbon buildup | Daniel Ford's books Also if it did help protect the valves, how would you know? Ryan has got more than 15 years in the auto industry. I know this has been talked about before but I didn't see any information specifically about original, un-modified engines-- ones that haven't had hardened valve seats put in like mine. Ethanol evaporates pretty easily , especial the more you have and older it gets. Your donations help keep this valuable resource free and growing. You can add Marvel Mystery oil in either the gas tank or the crankcase. Hard seats are added to earlier heads by machining out the old seats and installing an insert. Marvel Mystery Lubricating Oil is safe for catalytic converters and oxygen sensors. Perhaps there is no consensus on this topic. venerable taildraggers. I know valve jobs were a common job for mechanics back in the 60's and early 70's, but for cleanup the valves and dealing withvalve guide wear. Robert Parker uses Marvel Mystery Oil to reduce the buildup of lead from 100LL. Just a little correction here. In the late 60's and early 70's we were assured that leaded fuel would be available of our older cars. about the same thing, with small changes in the recipe, so as not Marvel mystery oil safe for modern engines? The says there were two 327 versions for trucks, one (185 hp) at 8.0:1 compression and another (225 hp) at 8.5:1 compression. Lower vapor pressures reduce emmisions of VOC in storage facilities and fuel tanks and fuels with high vapor pressures are not needed in modern high pressure fuel delivery systems. Newsletter? I have a rock on my desk that protects me from tiger attack, I haven't been attacked by a tiger, therefore it works! The "Turbo-Fire" 327, by comparison, had a 10.5:1 compression ratio. "High alloy steel inlet valves. Yeah, anything can fail, but there is no way I would take that engine apart because of the valve seats. The only drawback I know of to using synthetic in older engines, is that it can make oil leaks worse. MMO What does marvel mystery oil do? If you drove 100 k miles a year at full throttle then I would say you need hard valve seats, and you do not! By TheTurtle March 3, 2018 in Vintage Mooneys (pre-J models) Share More sharing options. These fuel and oil additives are designed to clean away deposits, sludge, and fuel residues from the engine and keep it running smoothly. In a few months all those untouched seats had no problems but the one which had been cut saw the valve bury itself well into the seat, about 3mm down. It's illegal to use on a public road for the second time! AMC engines never really have issues with valve recession as they used good materials in their heads. Another way is to run about three tanks of mo-gas and Sounds like MMO might be a cheap, simple compromise if I decide to go that route. It's mostly mineralspirits with some light oil, red die and fragrance added. Reply #2 on: September 30, 2020, 09:06:35 am . Probably not an issue with racing, however. At the instant of Therefore, it helps reduce friction of moving parts and cools the engine. Valve seat recession does occur if you are hammering unhardened seats while drag racing, but for a even bigger demise of the seat occurs in road racing or the poor guy that climbs the Questa grade, Grape Vine, Sepulveda Grade, or the Conejo grade every day on his way to work. Added to gas it cleans and lubricates fuel injectors and carburetors, improves gasoline mileage, extends spark plug life, reduces and prevents varnish and gum build-up. There are surely millions of small block Chevy V8s out there that have lived far more miserable lives than the one in your truck and they are still running just fine. Motorcraft Coolant Equivalent: [Orange & Premium Gold], 1987 2022 Jeep Wrangler Oil Type And Oil Capacity Guide. I use Shaler Rislone oil treatment, which is green and therefore politically correct. See for yourself. Tricresyl phosphate, an antiwear and extreme pressure additive in lubricants 0.1-1.0%[2] Works OK in modern fuel injected engines , not so well in old carburetor-ed engines, as they also use too much ethanol in the gas. Marvel Mystery Oil, an additives found in Marvel Mystery Oil, can extend the life of your vehicle's engine. Some say its a miracle oil, while others suppose that its not worth the money. answered, I do, how often do you have to change your brake pads?). When I was 19, I put it in the Cutlass I owned. Which brings up an interesting topic: yes most mass production engines under about 10:1 compression and 4" bore (see "flame propagation rates") are reasonably safe under light duty on 93 PON. As far as the induction hardenning, Where is that info from? And it was back to working again, just like that. What about the ones that haven't? manufactured without [additives]. '68Jav, and '90 Gold Rush trailer. Back in 2016 I started having poor idle symptoms and stalling at stops. which again left me at the far end of the runway without power. Marvel Mystery oil has been carefully designed with additional ingredients to help reduce oil consumption by preventing carbon build-up. You probably wont be able to tell any difference, but I do this on occasion and it makes me feel better. The lead subs. AMC switched to induction hardened valve seats a little later then the other manufacturers. If screen type system, be sure to clean screen. I first experienced this in the Toyota 12R engine (I think that's the right designation, 1600cc pushrod) in a Hi-Ace. It is a rather critical machining process, and if you get it wrong, a seat can fall out and hold a valve open. DO NOT use it in vehicles equipped with catalytic converters. powder. MMO is a good product and will help keep your carb clean though. combustion, there is a chemical reaction between TCP and the lead in the Yes, that explains how it keeps the bugs out of your engine. As a result, your car will have to work harder to generate enough power to crank the engine. So, whats the verdict? Posted September 2019. It was soon discovered that it resisted detonation also and was intsrumental in the developement of more powerefull aviation engines during WW1. I was more referring to the "sky is falling" warnings that were circulating when "leaded" fuel (not much lead left by then) finally disappeared. Avgas contains lead, probably have enough lead without adding more. It was a big problem! [2] It is used as a fuel additive, oil additive, corrosion inhibitor, penetrating oil, and transmission leak stopper and seal relubricator. All the other valves and seats were untouched. So it must be scrubbing a bit of carbon off. Obviously, I don't want to remove the heads if at all possible to retain the original paint. Aluminized valve faces on the 283 engine with applications in the 50 series trucks slow the formation of deposits, keep valves cleaner and longer-lived. Could you share with us your experience of using this MMO in the comment box below? line off the carburetor, hook up a tube, and run Mystery Oil but results is what really tells the tale. So after a year or two, the STCs a prop? Finally I took off the spark plug and sprayed MMO into the hole at what appeared to be the exhaust valve. By creating a top ring seal, it produced higher compression and, by preventing blow-by on power strokes, it resulted in more power. Won't hurt but you don't need it. However, Marvel Mystery oil stands out because it is cheaper than Seafoam and used for a variety of vehicles and equipment. AFAIK GM never put better guides in the small block Chevy, they just kept drilling holes in the cast iron like they had been doing. Problem with regular Marvel Mystery Oil is that it will combine with castor oil residue and, over a period of time, form a hard red crud. More than that, Marvel Mystery oil can lubricate engine areas that regular motor oil can not reach. Therefore the heads are original and do not have hardened valve seats. that is the real testament .. We are putting 89 octane in, and adding a can of lead substitute every tank right now. LRDaum. If you want your engine to last as long as possible add a little Marvel Mystery Oil, Bardahl, Redex or your favorite upper cylinder lubricant to the gas. It was very popular back before detergent motor oil was invented. So in the end, Marvel Mystery oil isn't a gimmick. and hardened valve seats became common after 72. Low HP cars are doing these grades in low gears barely making 40MPH. Share Followers 0. It was This site sets no cookies, but the Mailchimp sign-up service Marvel Mystery Oil has a place and a use in today world for a wide variety of equipment. Regular use can lead to improved fuel economy. I also put a qt. This engine still wears it's factory paint and decals so I'm assuming that it has never been apart. experience with mogas and, finally, by an email from Terry Lutz, expanding After posting Mr. Parker's article, I had a personal experience with But how does it work? I use Mobil which is considered a "Top Tier" gasoline: Marvel MM13R Mystery Oil - 32 oz. It can scare you, though. The problem turned out to be one of those new condensers. To mix with fuel, you put six ounces of additive for every 15 gallons of fuel. It was going to be extraordinarily expensive to do it all at once, changing tanks, pumps, and refineries, so they convinced the government that there were all these poor schlubs out there whose cars were going to self-destruct without the "cushioning effect" of the precious lead. Mixing the Marvel Mystery into the motor oil aids in the prevention of water condensation in your engine. Most gas has about 10 to 15% these days.E-85 has as much as 85 % ethanol, but out west here it's more like e-40 or 50 . Pierce was best known for his invention of the "Marvel Carburetor", which became the standard automobile carburetor of its time. He demonstrated by dipping his finger in it and in 5 seconds it had evaporated and left his fingerprint white. It thins the oil and dilutes it. (If you much of northern New England's gasoline comes arrives. Definitely not a Corvette motor. Cleaning firearms with Marvel Mystery Oil? It was thought that since the automakers were induction hardening valve seats in the unleaded era that it must be necessary. Engine. blended with TEL. on Marvel and its alternative, TCP. An 11-year-old girl in Detroit had to get staples in her head after . Cock-A-Doodle-Doo! He also loves making connections and friends in the automotive industry. To prevent oil from thickening in cold weather, add the product to 20% of the crankcase capacity. Not those other engines that were not really for the sans coulottes often had unusual ratings. my great uncle was a ww 2 army air corp airplane mechanic .. he swore by the stuff .. he put marvel in everything that ran on fuel.. he instilled his great wisdom to me an so do i.. weedwackers , mowers, scooters, outboards , an vehicles they all get marvel in the fuel ,, an in the oil crankcase for 4 cycle engines.. 2 cycle / 4 cycle ,, they all get treated every fill up .. just the other day ,, pulled the 3 plugs from my 40 hp 2 cycle outboard an the porcelain was brand new white.. an i ran them all summer since spring .. anyway,, this stuff works .. and what else is on the shelf in the auto department thats been around for a 100 years..!!