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Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. If you are a victim or witness in the case and have left the court before the trial has ended and would like to know the outcome of the case, you can contact the person who asked you to come to court. Phone: (610) 691-2364 He was appointed as Assistant Commissioner Frontline Policing, Metropolitan Police, in March 2020, having previously served as AC for Met Operations and, prior to that, as Chief Constable of Surrey Police. Fax: (610) 253-0685. Northampton County Magisterial District Court 03-3-02. GJ*8h? 9#430nq !K0 I"$KDv\ L4sjKe}cCZB,;FkFA80EX8 /5/`IC2ZlJkpfg,e= 8gL1R=a*PzS^f3$;WyG : 6O_ Ha5P.BKifu{24Gt:9c`CZeZW**N(k#@ix,v9Sx{8`"phM Dame Juliet was appointed to the Sentencing Council on 8 October 2020. Online orders for birth certificates can be made through the state's online vital records ordering website. (LogOut/ Fax: (610) 767-4498. If the crime was serious enough, your local newspaper may be covering the trial. 2 11/23/2021 Court of Common Pleas - Northampton County Entry of Civil Judgment 1 11/30/2021 Czaplinski, Destini Lee Payment Plan Filed 1 01/04/2022 Dally, Craig A. County Court fax: 0870 739 5907 //var LBtag_id = document.getElementById('buylinkLBKostekSentenced-hg-092822,ph1'); She had been injured in a car accident. Before joining Victim Support, Diana was Director of Operations at Shelter for seven years where she was responsible for the charitys advice and support services. 669 Washington Death Certificate Processing Unit 5 J. W. Rob Lewis, II will serve as district court judge in Judicial District 6, serving Bertie, Halifax, Hertford, and Northampton counties. Offence committed for commercial purposes, 11. Due to sensitivity, cases involving children (youth cases) will not be published. Any information the disclosure of which would cause a government agency to lose federal or state funds. Her Honour Judge Rosa Dean Rosa Dean was called to the bar in 1993 and practiced mainly criminal law on the Midlands and South Eastern Circuits. Siblings and step-siblings of the decedent (sisters, brothers, step-brothers, etc. Court address: 85-87 Lady's Lane Northampton Northamptonshire NN1 3HQ. Northampton District Court Address 15 Gothic St., Northampton, MA 01060 Directions Phone Clerk's Office & Probation Department (413) 584-7400 Online Email: cmnorthamptondc@jud.state.ma.us Fax Clerk's Office, Criminal matters (413) 586-1980 Clerk's Office, Civil matters (413) 584-9479 Probation Department (413) 584-7547 He attended state primary schools and, following a family move to Northumberland, the Royal Grammar School in Newcastle upon Tyne. Fine queries: 01604 497 040 Employment application and information of an applicant not hired by a government agency. Find out more information about the Northampton County Courthouse. They will be able to give you the information on the sentence. Mark Wall was appointed a High Court Judge in October 2020 having previously been a Circuit Judge based at Birmingham Crown Court. Requesters with questions about records may call the corrections center at (610) 923-4303. Richard was appointed Deputy District Judge (Magistrates Courts) in 2006, Recorder of the Crown Court in 2012 and Deputy High Court Judge in January 2023. Royal Courts of Justice and Rolls Building First-tier tribunals Upper tribunal HMCTS publishes courts and tribunals lists and forthcoming hearings in different ways across jurisdictions: Crown. What happens after the further investigation? These eligible requesters are: The eligible requesters must provide one valid government-issued photo identification or two current forms of acceptable identification that show their name and current address from the approved list. var photocredit = "'STAFF PHOTO/CAROL LOLLIS' 'Andrew Simino, Edward Kosteks brother-in-law, and two close family friends, Susan Babski, left, and Lorraine Belanger, came to the Northampton District Court in support of Kostek at his sentencing on Tuesday'"; The Court House Fax: (610) 868-1196. Where records prove elusive, the third-party search tools on Pennsylvania.Staterecords.org may offer a solution. 669 Washington James Duffield, aged 21, of Swift Close, Grange Park, Northampton, drug-driving (cannabis); fined 200, ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of 20 and costs of 105, banned from driving for 12 months.Leona Hyatt, aged 33, of Mitchell Close, Northampton, posession of a purple-handled kitchen knife in a public place; jailed for 12 weeks suspended for 12 months, ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of 115 and costs of 105. Nick was appointed to the Sentencing Council on 26 May 2020. Hes an important part of my treatment.. Forfeiture and destruction of goods bearing unauthorised trade mark, 17. Death certificates for Northampton can be requested from the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Division of Vital Records. if (photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring2) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring3) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring4) > -1) { In addition, he had been accused of recklessly causing the death of another person in the second degree. For birth, death, marriage, and other public records, please reach out to Northampton County's Register of Deeds. Analyzing data such as this allows law enforcement to spot crime trends in the county and judge the effectiveness of current law enforcement strategies. This database allows users to search for relevant court records and information. Success! Assault by beating; jailed for 18 weeks; ordered to pay a victim surcharge of 115 and compensation of 50.Remigiusz Rosik, aged 39, of Aldwell Close, Northampton, drink-driving with a breath test reading of 68mcgs of alcohol in 100mls of breath; fined 300, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of 30 and costs of 85, banned from driving for 20 months. 2 var sellablestring = "GAZETTE STAFF"; January 12, 2021 Press Release. tag_id.innerHTML = ''; British and Irish Legal Information Institute. On the other hand, rape, simple assault, burglary, larceny, and arson fell by 24.4%, 4.5%, 14.6%, 21.4%. Brisk with west to northwest winds around 10-20mph gusting to 30mph.. Mostly cloudy with less wind, with a few breaks in the clouds overnight. She is currently the lead magistrate on Reform and co-chair of the Magistrates Engagement Group. Commission of a further offence while on a conditional discharge; no action taken.Callum Smith, aged 19, of Rothersthorpe Road, Northampton, assault by beating; jailed for 26 weeks suspended for 24 months, ordered to pay compensation of 300, ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of 80 and costs of 120.Dean Beeby, aged 34, of no fixed abode, wilfully obstructed a police officer; conditional discharge for 20 months, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of 20 and costs of 40.JULY 21Oliver Mason, aged 22, of Hillside, Daventry, knowingly disclosed personal data at Wootton Hall police headquarters; no separate penalty. You may also be interested in using resources from the British and Irish Legal Information Institute, which provide free online access to case judgments, laws and sentencing in the UK. From assaults to harassment to sexual offences and thefts, people have been fined thousands and even been set to prison. But then he showed them his. No insurance; fined 120, ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of 20 and costs of 85, licence endorsed with six points. He was called to the Bar in 1985 and worked on the Midland Circuit out of chambers in Leicester and thereafter Citadel Chambers in Birmingham. Witness service: 0300 3321000 And 22.7% respectively. . This court serves the City of Easton Wards 6 and 9 through 12, Glendon Borough, and Williams Township. var sellablestring3 = "STAFF FILE PHOTO"; Guideline Sentence Form Filed 1 10/17/2022 Northampton County Probation Department PO Memo to Void Case Balance- Defendant Deceased 1 01/12/2023 Court of Common Pleas - Northampton . Northampton County birth certificates can be obtained in person or via mail from the Division of Vital Records. Northampton County Magisterial District Court 03-2-08 xYms_A The incidents took place on separate occasions in January 2019, according to prosecutors, when the victim was being treated for neck injuries at Cooley Dickinson Hospital Rehabilitation Services at 8 Atwood Drive. Court records for cases in Northampton County can be obtained from the Prothonotary and Clerk of Courts of Northampton County. Justice for Ed.. They conducted a traffic stop and took Bernard, of Tobyhanna, into custody without incident, officials said. Some of these records include police reports, court records, sex offender information, criminal records, and vital records such as birth and death certificates. A cafeteria as well as hot and cold vending machines on the ground floor is available.Please note that it is not permissable to bring hot food or hot drinks into the building. Jodie Stray, aged 38, of Scotney Close, Northampton, stolen items worth 525.84 belonging to Tesco; community order made, ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of 85 and pay costs of 85. Northampton Crown Court, County Court and Family Court. P.O. Mediation: scmenquiries@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk, Court address: Simino said he has never questioned his integrity, character or respect for women., A statement distributed to reporters by Simino and attributed to Kosteks family calls the allegations false and says they will stand by him as he continues in the fight to prove his innocence., Brigette Jones, a former colleague of Kostek, wrote a letter to the judge asking for leniency. Opening hours: NN1 1ED, Council Chambers Fax: (610) 746-2470, Northampton County Magisterial District Court 03-2-04 Fax: (610) 861-7645. During a court trial; Sentencing; Expenses for going to court; After sentencing. First Assistant District Attorney Richard Pepper. He qualified as a barrister in 1987 and was appointed Queens Counsel in 2008. Northampton County Courthouse Similar offence; community order made.JULY 15Robert George, aged 58, of Purser Road, Northampton, failed to give information relating to the identity of the driver; fined 660, ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of 66 and costs of 85, licence endorsed with six points.Aiden Hunt, aged 18, of Alfred Street, Northampton, no insurance; fined 660, ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of 66 and costs of 85, licence endorsed with eight points.Christine Morran, aged 47, of Robin Ride, Brackley, driving at speeds exceeding 70mph on the A43; fined 375, ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of 38 and costs of 85, banned from driving for 28 days.Aileen McDonald, aged 54, of Moulton Road, Holcot, driving at speeds exceeding 50mph limit of A14; fined 180, ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of 20 and costs of 85, licence endorsed with three points.Vasile Carceie, aged 23, of Gray Street, Northampton, driving not in accordance with a licence; no separate penalty. Northampton Crown Court, County Court and Family Court Family Court - Northampton Court #282. Kostek was arraigned on the charges in July 2020. Prior to his appointment to the circuit bench he was a Recorder and Deputy High Court Judge. Campbell Square 136 S Main St, Nazareth, PA 18064 From 2008 to 2015 she sat in crime at Wood Green and Southwark Crown Courts and in civil at Central London County Court. Newby's 100 county tour first began in Cherokee County in May and is expected to end in Dare County in 2022. . Mailed requests are usually processed within two weeks of receiving the request. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Some of these records include police reports, court records, sex offender information, criminal records, and vital records such as birth and death certificates. Birth Certificate Processing Unit Phone: (610) 829-6439, Northampton County Court of Common Pleas - Prothonotary (Civil) Divorce records and other civil court records for Northampton County can be acquired from the Prothonotary's Office. Each visit is for 45minutes and all visitors will be required to show photo identification that shows their current address before being allowed into the facility. Beverley Thompson has spent over 30 years working in the criminal justice sector initially as a probation officer in London. The judge receives guidance and assistance from several sources in order to sentence a defendant. /NonFullScreenPageMode /UseNone No test certificate; no separate penalty. He told officers he was Russian. Comparing the data for 2019 and 2020, county crime statistics show cases of murder, robbery, and aggravated assault rose by 80%, 2.8%, and 9.4%, respectively. He was appointed to the Circuit Bench in 2008. A member of the extended family not listed above who indicates a direct relationship to the decedent (documentation may be required). No insurance; fined 660, ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of 60 and costs of 85, licence endorsed with six points.Christopher Hughes, aged 33, of Somerset Street, Northampton, driving at speeds exceeding 40mph; fined 220, ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of 22 and costs of 85, banned from driving for six months.JULY 15:Anthony Bovill, aged 50, of Pembroke Road, Northampton, non-payment of 900 fine; jailed for 14 days suspended.Russell Morgan, of Pinewood Road, Northampton, non-payment of 6,315 fine; further time granted to pay.Adam Barker, aged 19, of Wilford Avenue, Northampton, harassment; pleaded guilty, sent to Northampton Crown Court.