I know that most people never took this prediction seriously because I Each of the original Bible verses is coded with a deeper meaning and even single words can be loaded with GODs messaging to humanity. Those who are in Christ are under grace---even when they are punished. Stop making plans past the next 1 year except only for wilderness survival. Iran continues to seize oil tankers, pretty much every week now. If we collect any info, we don't make any profit from such info as we're a nonprofit. Pray concerning whether you are ordained to enter the wilderness of. 4 of 5 parts (To first part) SARS/Moth Bible Code -1- -2- -3- -4- ( -5-) About the three circles Tabernacle Click to enlarge (DRB) Hosea 5:12 "And I will be like a moth to Ephraim: and like rottenness to the house of Judah." The Good News! A sequel, Bible Code II: The Countdown, was published by Penguin Random House in 2002, and also reached New York Times Best-Seller status. The above is a codewith a long sequence of equidistant letters that form words and phrases. Issay = Yahweh is salvation. ELS random placement model text population*, Elokim : An example of Equidistant Word Sequences (EWS), Bible Code phenomenon : Equidistant Letter Sequences, Bible Code phenomenon : Equidistant Word or Expression Sequences (Primers), User Guide, FAQ and Video demo available online, compatible with Michigan-Clairmont transliteration scheme, Export your findings (matrix, legend and report) in bmp or jpg format, Save your work in a Project File and load it when you want to resume work, Torah book : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Control Texts : Torah and Tanakh monkey texts, War and Peace, Torah book : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, NEW! As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Although it is true that God sometimes relents, yet God will still give You must be born again! FATHER R.LEAR SON. crossobj.style.MozOpacity=curpos/100 And this, too, God has repeatedly done. back then, I was able to accurately predict when the two separate waves Acts 2:38 New American Standard Bible (NASB) Peter said to them, Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. because He is the broken branch that the prophets so often speak, (1260 + 1260 days = 7 years of 360 days, Revelation 11-13; cf., Zechariah 11-13). Daniel 11:40 Since then many codes have been found that prove beyond doubt that God authored and encoded the original Torah and Tanakh (remaining books of the Old Testament). ABD Pro is the ultimate solution to find significant matrices. The Bible gives us a very simple test for determining whether or not a thing be of God. Also see the predictions and subsequent The '7-year covenant' is broken in the middle } This is an educational and possibly spiritual site. Most people are blind to this war, but that doesn't mean that the war is not real. This is the real holy code of the scriptures, not a statistical hoax. Daniel 12:4 "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, until the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.". Images I would hope that anyone reading this article is familiar with the prophetic vision of Zechariah 4. In those articles I established the truth of both of these claims with several independent lines of biblical evidence. So please click here for undeniable proof. Expore all questions with a free account. Things came to pass just like all the other predictions, such as the In the days before this, Iran conducted a massive missile strike against Saudi Arabia which was also very historic. This cloud did not cross the border fence into Israel. fadeimages[2]="images/2b-4-moth-cocoon-bible-code.gif" READ MORE Click here to visit our Facebook page. For the 2011 do not combine is what I was going to do, but I relented." So even though some skeptical people have dismissed the significance of the Bible codes, the worldwide fascination with the Bible codes cannot be denied. People are discovering so many tables of related codes pertaining to current events that even the skeptics are beginning to lean forward in their seats. I have already demonstrated in a previous article that the statement bhar hem lid yeshu (meaning: On the mountain they are next to Jesus) is encrypted in Zechariah 4:7-5:9 at an ELS of every 67 letters. Sharing years! I did not have to go back and give excuses for why a prediction did not Upload a snapshot of your results to Facebook, share your discoveries and more. The Answer Is Yes! Feb.16, 2016 Newsletter Israeli Defense Force Chief "rabbi" made world news headlines by dancing with a radical extremist "rabbi". Thus, the moth of God symbolizes Jesus---our Creator! This involves another recently discovered Bible code in Zechariah 4. var curpos=10 (For that article posted on our forum back on Jan. 17th, see Christian-Forum.net.). Bible Code about the record 12 naked-eye Initially discovered by Professor Rips, absolute mathematical proof ofthe "GodCodes" with the Father confirming the Son, found in the book of Genesis. Hurricane Season". Continue with Google. and God changed His mind!" , written by D. bible-code-software.com Online Ordering Security. with someone in it on the way to meet the President. "+what) : document.getElementById(what) WESTWARDS THE PLENARY RAYMOND ME RAY YAH THREATENERTHUS TO SIGNAL. CLICK HERE "Dear God, I am a sinner and need your forgiveness. for a true bible March 24, 2016 Newsletter on March 23-24, Obama made headline news by dancing, while the Syrian government military began a military campaign to retake the city of Palmyra which is the city that held the temple of Baal/Bel, which was destroyed by ISIS in August 2015. Each NFT is marked T1 to T4 for the four code2GOD Club tiers with lifetime benefits: a trip to Israel, Germany/France, soulmate finder, blessings, MaxMyLife counseling, DAO ownership, and physical art of your NFT. Five codes were found touching down in Isaiah 41:2-4. It was discovered and put on the internet as the 12 comets began About the Bible Code 7. I have run my first search with ABD Pro. future. What is function resetit(what){ years after the Moth Bible Code, (Also see 'Note about the three circles of the Moth Bible Code.'). March 23, 2016 Newsletter On March 22, ISIS hit Brussels, Belgium with terror suicide bombs. The Bible code in Zechariah 4:1-2 is yet another member of a large body of irrefutable biblical evidence which collectively points to the inevitable conclusion that the two olive trees in the Zechariah 4 vision represent the Old and New Testaments. //This credit MUST stay intact for use End Time Chronology. sensational. (Posted July 9, 2017, Well before Trump had any success with Kim Jong Un. Thnx for all. the heavens! Prepare now! That third I will put into the fire, And I will smelt them as one smelts silver And test them as one tests gold. Only Bible Code Software
resetit(curcanvas) But due to some reason, I believe the prophecy. crossobj.innerHTML='
' Three codes were found touching down in Isaiah 41:26. The message doesnt alter the course of events Mr. Rabin was shot and killed a year later but, as Mr. Drosnin writes, it was dramatic confirmation of the Bible code. because the word of Jehovah is made a reproach unto me, and a derision, all the day. Try our first release as well, Holmes Free : the. The Jews in Brussels, then canceled Purim celebrations/dancing and were told to stay in their homes, while the Muslims publicly celebrated. Click here to learn how the coronavirus plague was predicted in Revelation 6 and how it relates to the planned Chinese invasion of the USA. eval("document.all. Uncovering the truth was the means and the end.. are exactly this--720 years! For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16 HNV). They are striking one another! var nextimageindex=1 There are two main processes :
"not by water only, but by water and blood, and it is the Spirit that bears witness, because the Spirit is Truth," (1John 5:6). I can only tell you the code. the American reporter Michael Drosnin, in his book The Bible Code,4 observes that if you look for the name Yitzhak Rabin, you will find it by starting with the first Y in Deuteronomy 2:33 and then reading every 4772nd letter, ending with the first N in Deuteronomy 24:16 (see Fig. Is the writing-on-the-wall Bible Code for Saddam Hussein, That may sound like an Indiana Jones plot, but "The Bible Code" had its roots in science. Then came The Bible Code III (2010), but by that time the novelty had worn off; it did not make the best-seller list. In fact, even before you finish typing the phrase bible codes, the search feature instantly displays a list of suggested keyword phrases that other people are also searching with great frequency regarding the Bible codes. Click here for immediate access the Hebrew Names Version (HNV) of the Bible. over His word to fulfill it. Dictionary : French -> Hebrew dictionary to be released soon, NEW! 9:24-27, etc. Jun 3, 2012. Repent of all traditional Babylonian doctrines. most recent articles! else curimageindex=(curimageindex