President John F. Kennedy, a Democrat - after being tested by the Cuban Missile Crisis and the threat of nuclear war - said it best in a speech to the graduating class at the American University in Washington, D.C., on June 10, 1963, just days before his assassination. As you can see, all these people did not dream of becoming leaders. A peaceful protest turned violent when protesters were brutally beaten. 2. Reagan refused to spend funding on drug research. Truman wins praise from historians for his foreign policy leadership. That was all Truman. Ren Kennedy biography: who is the Downy Unstopables commercial actress? The country heads the tops worldwide because of having high prosperity indexes and welfare ranks, being run by the prime minister or the minister of the state. In 2017, Donald Trump was elected as the 45th president of the United States becoming the latest of a line of the head of states which goes back 241 years to the first president after attaining of self-rule from the United Kingdom. Truman also helped to create the United Nations. JFK was assassinated in Texas, two years into his presidency. He also helped to form a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer and a statesman, who lived in America. Although a decorated war hero during the War of 1812, Jackson takes the cake as one of the worst presidents in U.S. History. When it came to the searing debate over slavery, he tried to skirt the issue by holding that states could manage slavery laws on their own. Presidents on the best list have also committed some heinous acts, but have overwhelmingly positively shaped the country (and no they are not all founding fathers). There are instances when an individual uses a means other than a democratic election to become the president. Narendra Modi landed in the fifth spot on Fortune Magazines list of Worlds Greatest Leaders. A biopic of Narendra Modi was released in 2019, starring Vivek Oberoi as Narendra Modi. I mean come on, how could Abraham Lincoln not be on this list? In fact, he remains the only president on record to get married while in office. Instead, Southern states swiftly imposed Jim Crow laws. However, in some countries, Prime Ministers are more influential than the presidents, so we will also include some Prime Ministers in the list based on their popularity. Hassan Rouhani has always shown his support for the religious and ethnic minorities of Iran. Historians gave Johnson the lowest ratings overall. In February 1991, his approval rating was 89%. He was later appointed as a Supreme Court Justice, which probably better suited his strict adherence to Constitutional Law and checking the powers of the presidency. He couldn't seem to grasp the enormity of America's divisions over slavery, ignoring the strife and letting the issue fester in the years leading up to the Civil War. He expanded GOP support among non-White voters. After four years of branding Trump . General Idriss Dby Itno is a Chadian politician who has been the President of Chad since 1990. My strong communication skills allow me to build and maintain . His first wife and mom died on the same day, creating a sorrowful man who spent some time dealing with his grief and catching an outlaw. You will be surprised to know that this beautiful country with magic fiords has NO president! His served during a time of great division in the country and faced a contentious Congress, but fought hard for civil liberties and the unification of the country. Polk ranks highly for his vision and agenda-setting abilities. However, today, he is considered one of the best US presidents to have ever lived! An estimated 21,000 Americans died from AIDS during his presidency. Just 42 when he became the youngest president in the nation's history, he had the enthusiasm and energy to convince Congress to pass progressive reforms and a strong foreign policy exemplified by his motto, "Speak softly and carry a big stick." Early in his presidency, there was a hostage crisis at the U.S. Embassy in Iran. As the fifth serving president, he was known for his frankness, integrity, and friendly personality. Johnson, who became president after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, clashed . A polarizing figure, Jackson waged a political battle against the Second Bank of the United States, a private company which operated as virtually a government-sponsored monopoly. After his four-year term, he did not seek another one. Because of Watergate, we often do not hear about the decent things he did, like working to end the war in Vietnam or improving diplomatic relationships with the Soviet Union and China. According to the information, provided by, this research involved data from 156 countries and is based on the following factors: What are they the happiest countries in the world? The target aims of that organization included: providing mental health care for free, the river cleansing throughout the country and putting the minimum wages up. He established the Monroe Doctrine, which warned European nations not to colonize or interfere with the Western Hemisphere. Pahor comes from the Social Democrats Party and was a member of the country's National Assembly for a number of terms. He is popularly known for leading a coup; he was a military leader at that time, and he managed to serve as the Head of Nigeria for 21 months. Can you guess who is number one? Not only did his death cause this crisis but he also completely destroyed any chances the Whig Party had in government, allowing for the slow dwindling into the current two party system. but it costs a lot of money to get that done. He made slavery illegal in the United States. Here are the top 10 most educated African presidents. He obtained a truce after years of war in Korea, continued the desegregation of the U.S. armed forces, and sent federal troops to enforce a court order desegregating public schools in Little Rock, Arkansas. According to the latest available survey of presidential historians, he's somewhere in between. The Soviet Union then invaded Afghanistan and U.S. embassy officials in Iran were taken as hostages. His charismatic personality constantly ranked high in public approval polls, and reached a high of 83% in 1962. Looking at sheer numbers of deaths . Historians believe that Taft had a lot of presidential integrity. Lincoln led the nation through the American Civil War and succeeded in preserving . Ghana is one of the fastest-growing economies in Africa. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'besttoppers_com-box-3','ezslot_1',146,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-besttoppers_com-box-3-0');Hassan Rouhani is the president of Iran; he has been in power since 2013. This program stimulated the economy, including heavy taxes on the wealthy, the creation of Social Security, regulations on banks, and a relief program for unemployed Americans. Read to find out who the best president in the world ever is and names of the top 10 best presidents in 2018! President Reagan introduced new political and economic ideas, which later would be tagged "Reaganomics". Obama did a decent job in office considering that the recession was in full swing during his inauguration. At the age of 18, she joined the Labour Party and started to build her career in politics. One bad thing can scar a presidents reputation for life, and Watergate has become the political scandal to beat. Presidential Term: March 4, 1849 - July 9, 1850. So Nixons place on the list of worsts should come as no shock: he resigned after being caught wiretapping his opponent during the 1972 presidential campaign, fondly known to everyone across the world as Watergate. Ask not what your country can do for youask what you can do for your country. Cleveland vetoed a bill that would have given government money to veterans, drought-stricken farmers and people with disabilities, and he sent in federal troops to break a railroad workers' strike. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Since leaving office, he has been an activist for human rights. A president Plays a vital role in the development and growth of a country. Throughout Clinton's near decade of presidency, the United States never had to borrow money to pay for its budget. Throughout his presidency, he created the space program NASA, and encouraged the creation of nuclear weapons for possible use in the Cold War, a tactic known as massive retaliation. July 27th, 2020. READ ALSO: List of African countries and their current presidents. He has an estimated IQ of 140 in spite of the hardships that he had when he's still a kid. He is known as the first president to step into the affairs of Congress and consistently veto legislation. Harry S. Truman was the 33rd President of the United States from 1945 to 1953. Although this did not diminish racial tension, it took the first crucial step towards equity and equality regardless of race. I am Shopia, a movie enthusiastic and I read lot of books, mostly of science fiction, thrillers and biography. Ford has faced criticism from historians for his relative inability to set an agenda or pursue a vision for his country. approval rating of Russia, the first time this country has been . Top 10 Popular Water Sports Around the World! Harrison was the first of eight U.S. presidents to die in office. Watch the Washington Journal segment announcing the 2021 survey results; Watch the four survey advisers discuss the 2021 survey on the Washington Journal; Listen to The Weekly . Top 35 Best Classic Movies of All Time Streaming on Netflix, Amazon or Hulu ! The online survey asked 1,004 adult respondents to rate 12 recent presidents on a 1 to 10 rating, with 1 being terrible and 10 being excellent. Though it's not what he's primarily known for, Nixon had a few accomplishments that have been highly rated by historians: ending the draft and enacting policies to protect the environment. His presidency was highlighted by the Iraq Invasion which was described by his administration as retaliation for the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York. He lost his bid for a second term. In 2016 Donald Trump was honored as Person of the Year by Time. Belgium has also honored him as Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown. 9. Iceland is a beautiful place, where you can experience a peaceful life within inspiring landscapes. What are his/her ways to success? Alain Berset is a politician, who originates from the Social Democratic Party. He stood up to the Soviets and successfully defused the Cuban Missile Crisis. Later, she occupied the post of a staff member for Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister of Britain. Since 1999, Putin has served as the president, prime minister, or acting president of the Russian Federation. Historians have criticized Buchanan over his poor crisis leadership. He is credited with creating a national energy policy to deal with oil shortages, and for bringing Israel and Egypt together for the Camp David accords. Scoring just one spot higher than his son, the nation's second president was known for his integrity and handling of court appointments. He has been called a man of the people several times. Despite an unprecedented scandal that occurred during his presidency which led to Clinton's impeachment, his reputation still reached an all-time high in December of 1998. These events ultimately led to his defeat in a reelection bid against Ronald Reagan (he literally lost to an actor). With nearly a decade in the medical sales industry, I thrive in dynamic, fast-paced, and customer-driven healthcare environments. #9. Reagan is regarded highly, particularly among conversative and Republican Americans, who are called Reagan coalitionists. Best Rank 3: Dwight D. Eisenhower (34th President. Upon election, Clinton introduced a new tax system which increased taxes on the rich and decreased them on the poor. His foreign policy was a bit shaky as well with the Soviet Union his push for human rights was poorly received. Top 10 Poorest Presidents In Africa 2020. The Interview is a humorous representation of the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Many celebrities showed their sorrow and support to the protesters. On the way to the top he had to pass through the following career levels: After his appointment onto the post of a president, he paid great attention to the youth problems and the improvement of living conditions in the rural areas. Before he headed the state, his career was connected with the activity of the Swiss Federal Council and the Federal Department of Home Affairs. William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton served as President of the United States from 1993 to 2001. Since the spread of COVID-19, Donal Trump has been addressing the virus as A Chinese virus and stamping it as a virus originating from China. According to Forbes, he was the worlds most influential person from 2013 to 2016. Over the 36-year period between 1933 and 1969, America witnessed 5 of its top 11 presidents. High School DXD Season 5: Release Date, Cast, Plot, And Everything You Need To Know! George Walker Bush was the 43rd President of the United States, a position he held from January 20th, 2001 to January 20th, 2009 when he was succeeded by Barack Obama. This country makes not only its residents feel happy but also tourists, coming to explore its relaxed and blissful way of life. He became president at the height of the Great Depression, creating the New Deal program. He often tried to sidestep Congress and became the first president ever to face impeachment, but was acquitted by one vote. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Please support TheClever so we can continue providing you with great content! Presidents represent the country they are governing; it makes them very important persons. Top 10 Highest Paid Presidents In The World 2023 #shorts I am a poor student, please support me one subscribe. Taylor's brief presidency came to an end in 1850 . She is the youngest prime minister in the history of New Zealand. Fillmore ascended to the presidency in July 1850 after the death of President Zachary Taylor. Narendra Modi is Indias Prime Minister, and he holds the position of second most popular leader on Facebook. Share of adults who think Bill Clinton embodied American values U.S. 2020; U.S. presidents with the highest health score as of 2018; His first presidential run in 1824 finished . Adama Barrow (Gambia) After the despotic reign of Yahya Jammeh in the Gambia, Adama Barrow has risen to the occasion, delivering good governance to the people of Gambia. Teddy Roosevelt. Below are the top 10 most educated presidents in Africa 2020: 1. Russia president, Vladimir Putin dropped down one spot, holding on to the 2nd position on Forbes power list after President Xi bagged the top honours. This, paired with a strong economic legacy, has helped contribute to his strong approval rating. Lyndon B Johnson (1963-1969) Johnson's failed "War on Poverty" became the foundation for the modern welfare state and continues to incentivize government dependence and unemployment to this day. 10. He was the head of the Union, that fought to abolish peoples ability to own someone based on race. The best of the best: the portal for top lists & rankings: . White House, Washington D.C., U.S.A. After the fire of 1814 destroyed the original, the new White House was finished in 1817. First, he instituted the War on Drugs, further criminalizing substanceslike Marijuana. He was assassinated after barely a thousand days in office. Prior to becoming president, Carter was the governor of Georgia. Nana Addo Akufo-Addo (Ghana): President Nana Akufo has been recognized as Africa's best president for 2019 by Leaders of Today, a Canadian-based group that has conducted research. Under Polk's leadership, the U.S. acquired more than 800,000 square miles of western land, extending its boundary to the Pacific Ocean. Madison is routinely ranked by historians and scholars as one of the top 10 presidents in U.S. history. Eisenhower created the interstate system and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. He is an anti-corruption leader and is known for firing corrupt officials like General Xu Caihou. Sauli Niinisto can be described as a reliable person, who can stay calm and devoted to national affairs, in spite of dramatic events in personal life. Donald Trump has the dubious honor of being the only U.S. president toface impeachment twice. Although the Vatican is the smallest autonomous state on the planet, the Pope's impact is a lot bigger . Yes, you read that correctly: YOU DID NOT HAVE TO PAY TAX ON WHISKY. Canada is a beautiful country, which blends breathtaking landscapes, solitude and high standards of living. William Ruto. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Muhammadu Buhari is the president and Commander in Chief of Nigeria. He served oneterm from 1885 to 1889, won the popular vote but lost the electoral college to Benjamin Harrison, then became the comeback king winning re-election after Harrisons term (during the 1892 election). WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 16: South Korean President Park Geun-hye answers reporters' questions during a news conference with U.S. President Barack Obama in the East Room of the White House October . At the same time, the AIDS epidemic was in full swing, mainly in the male gay community. Narendra Damodardas Modi was elected at the Prime Minister of India in 2014. #Worldleaders #Topleaders #countdownIn this video, Asia & world news brings you a list of the top 10 most powerful world leaders in 2021. They had to pass through many trials and get plenty of knowledge before obtaining power. It worked. Unfortunately, all Lincoln did was lead the Union during the Civil War he was promptly assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in 1865 one month before the war officially ended. His presidency began at a time when the United States had been thrown into a state of panic after the assassination of his predecessor, President John F. Kennedy. Garfield, a former Civil War general and congressman from Ohio, has ineffective foreign policy skills but was typically well-liked as a president. He later joined the Southern Confederacy. 10. They were released on Carter's last day as president. 100+ funny dark jokes and puns that will definitely crack you up, Top 30+ best funny jokes for girls in 2023: Impress them, Lufthansa returns to annual profit after Covid losses, Old Naira notes: 5 key things to know about Supreme Court's final verdict, BREAKING: After Kwankwaso's defeat, influential senator dumps NNPP, joins PDP, "No candidate we endorsed that didn't win": MC Tagwaye, twin sibling pose with Shettima, shade Psquare twins, Bernard Arnault: List of businesses, properties owned by the current world's richest person, freed many people who were imprisoned because of their political beliefs, help in bringing the state war with Eritrea to the end, allowance for dissidents to come back home, lifting state ban off many TV channels and websites off. Although the difficult events of his presidency had an effect on his approval ratings throughout his presidency, he is now considered by many historians to have been an excellent president. Top Female Leaders Around the World. Theodore Roosevelt ranked highly for public persuasion and other presidential attributes. This list parades top 10 poorest presidents in Africa in 2020 as stated below: 1. But his administration struggled with economic stagnation and experienced setbacks such as the Iran hostage crisis. John F. Kennedy has claimed presidential fame for his inauguration address, his assassination, and winning a Pulitzer Prize in history. Theodore Roosevelt (September 14, 1901 to March 4, 1909) came to drive after the sitting president, William McKinley, was killed. Muhammadu Buhari is the president and Commander in Chief of Nigeria.